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A map data product for companies making critical decisions on where to expand and how to drive more revenues.. Know your business territories better with MapmyIndia GPS maps comprising of data layers ranging from administrative boundaries, addressing datasets, pincodesboundaries to transportation network, clutter, landuse, landmarks.. Maps allow you to overlay your business data on base maps.

GIS National Map Data

Covering national level road network with administrative boundaries from Indian states, districts to sub-districts, towns and major villages, national level landnuse and landmarks; MapmyIndia GIS National Map Data provides a complete geographic perspective of entire country for spatial analysis and business execution.

GIS National Map Data specifications

GIS State Map Data

Available for all Indian states and union territories, MapmyIndia GIS State Map Data covers all national level roads connecting all villages and towns; administrative boundaries from Indian states, districts to sub-districts, towns and all villages; landuse with green and water coverage; Points of interest spread across several categories.

GIS State Map Data specifications

GIS City Map Data

Available for all 5000 cities of India, MapmyIndia GIS City Map Data provides a comprehensive map coverage with administrative boundaries like city and ward, address layers like locality, sublocality well connected through highly detailed street network consisting of arterial, collector and residential roads. Rich coverage of points of interest and building level data makes the best and richest maps of Indian cities.

GIS City Map Data specifications

Pincode National Map Data

Get pincodes to every nook and corner of the country through MapmyIndia's Pincode national map data which associate a pincode number to every village and locality in the country.


  • Format 1
    • All India contiguous pincode boundary spanning the entire country
    • Over 20000 unique pincodes
    • Available in various GIS formats like MapInfo tab files, ESRI shape files, MID/MIF etc.
  • Format 2
    • Available in Excel format with village/town name and corresponding pincode number (s)
    • Pincodes to every village and town across the country

Pincode City Map Data

Get pincodes to every nook and corner of a city through MapmyIndia's Pincode city map data which associate a pincode number to every locality in the city.


  • Format 1
    • Available for all cities and towns of India
    • Contiguous pincode boundary spanning the entire city
  • Format 2
    • Available for all cities and towns of India
    • Available in Excel format with locality name and corresponding pincode number (s)
    • Pincodes to every locality across the city

RF Planning State Map Data

Maps with complete road network coverage, high resolution clutter data and height data, MapmyIndia R/f maps are used widely in the telecom sector for R/f and network planning.

R/f Planning State Map specifications

  • Coverage – Available for all States and Union territories
  • Map Data Layers
    • Vector Data
      • Administrative data
        • State, District, Sub-district, Town boundaries
        • Villages greater than 2000 populations
      • Transportation data
        • State level Road network
          • National Highways, State Highways , District highways
          • Major city and village roads
        • Major Landmarks
    • Clutter
      • Landuse classification as Urban high density, Urban medium, Urban low density, Suburban high dense, Suburban low dense, Villages, Industrial, Forest, Water, Open,, Airport, River/canal
    • DTM (Digital Terrain Model)
      • SRTM source data at 25 m resolution
    • Text labels

RF Planning City Map Data

Maps with complete road network coverage, high resolution clutter data and height data, MapmyIndia R/f maps are used widely in the telecom sector for R/f and network planning.

R/f Planning City Map specifications

  • Coverage – Available for all cities
  • Map Data Layers
    • Vector Data
      • Administrative data
        • City boundary, Locality boundary, Sub-locality
      • Transportation data
        • City level Road network
          • National Highways, State Highways , District highways
          • City arterial roads (Class A) – Major roads of the city
          • City collector roads (Class B) – Roads connecting localities to Class A roads
          • City residential roads (Class C) – Residential lanes connecting Class B roads
        • Rail Network
      • Major landmarks
    • Clutter
      • Landuse classification as Urban high density, Urban medium, Urban low density, Suburban high dense, Suburban low dense, Villages, Industrial, Forest, Park, Open, Airport, River/canal, Lake, other water bodies
    • DTM (Digital Terrain Model)
      • Based on SRTM source data
    • Text labels

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